mercredi 9 septembre 2015

The Amazing Fat Melting Drink You Can Make in 2 Minutes.

tea ginger lemon mint

If you’re living in the northern hemisphere right now, warmer weather and longer days have been signalling the start of summer quickly approaching. For all the ladies, not only does it mean that bikini season is here, but it also marks one of the busiest times of the year for weddings.
There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated when you’re trying to look your best. Whether you’re trying to look good in a swimsuit or squeezing into a bridesmaid’s dress, losing a few extra pounds in a pinch is probably just a dream
Instead of attempting a detox or fasting diet that could leave you heavier than when you started, or wiped out of energy, I’ve created the perfect fat melting drink for you to use.
All of the ingredients are natural and can be found at your local grocery store. Plus, this drink is delicious and super easy to make.
  • 8 green tea bags, preferably caffeinated
  • 8 cups of filtered water
  • 1 medium cucumber, sliced thin
  • 1 large orange, sliced thin
  • 1 lemon, sliced thin
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Bring the filtered water to a boil.
  • Take the water off the stove and add the green tea bags to steep in the boiled water for about 5 minutes.
  • While the tea is steeping, add the slices of cucumber, orange, and lemon to a large pitcher. Add the grated ginger.
  • When the tea is done steeping, pour it into the pitcher filled with the fresh fruit and ginger.
  • Toss the mint leaves in the pitcher and chill in the refrigerator for about one hour.
This mixed drink will stay fresh for up to two days in the refrigerator.
It’s as easy as that!
One mistake people commonly make when trying to lose that bloat is drink ready made smoothies. I mean, smoothies seem like a healthy alternative – it’s just fruit and ice, right?

Popular smoothie chains load up their drinks with hidden sugars, fructose laden juice, and frozen yogurt or sherbert. While they may taste refreshing and healthy going down, they are anything but perfect for a trim body. Meaning, they will take a toll on your lean eating plan and will derail your hopes of feeling less bloated since sweeteners and sugars both cause gas and bloating.
This drink is just the opposite of a smoothie and it’s sugar free. With a healthy base of green tea, the heat from the boiling water pulls all of the nutrients out of the added fresh ingredients. Then, the cold refrigeration stops the cooking process so the fruits and veggies are not zapped of their vitamins and benefits.
I drink this mixture throughout the day and usually make it at least two days before I have an event. I also try to drink this recipe whenever I’m feeling a little bloated or sluggish. And it’s a sneaky way to include more water in my diet.
Let’s face it, drinking water alone can get boring, but there’s no better appetite suppressant. Additional glasses of water (or tea) also help cut the sodium in your diet, which in turn will help decrease bloating and flush out toxins.
I’m not surprised that this drink works so well since all of the ingredients have been studied as weight loss aids.
Take a look at each of the ingredients below to see just why this drink helps you lose weight fast.

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