samedi 23 mai 2015

Drink for Fast Slimming

If you need to reduce some weight,this  is perfect answer…
People which want to lose some weight,but they can return later,but it can be ideal drink which take off 3 kilograms about 3 days.


-half a cluster of parsely
-a glass of water


Cut parsely(in a shutter),filtered the juice of lemon and water it.


Juice sould be drink in the morning on empty stomach,just 5 days,after make a pause of 10days.This juice help in a flaming of calories,feeding our body with vitamin and minerals.Instead of that the parsely is make better digestion and allowed fast absolved from deposit fluidin a system.For 5 days you can slim up to 3 kilograms.


Olive Diet


If you want to make better your health,be younger and slim up to 4 kilograms,you can tried this diet with olive,which will take 3-5days.We know how much are healthy the olives and olive oil.They are full with amynoacid,calcieum,zink,phosphor,selenieum,vitaminA,C,E.In 100 gr.of olives has 6.3% crbonhydrate,0.8% albumen,10.7 %oils.The doctor advice to take 10-12 olives before breakfast,,as a prevention from all desease.Daily consummation of olive on this way the high cholesterol will put down,also and cardiovasccular desease.Olive are great for digestion,they contain very important vitamin E,together with great quantity of antyoxidance can neutralize bad toxins in a body.Also they allowed faster regeneration  of cells,specially for aging.Olive oil is use in a cosmetic industry for renewing skin,and lower the aging of skin cells.Olives has a lots of minerals which are important for work of kidney together with liver,because it can get off the poison frombody,for better health.

How make this diet?

This is one of the detoxycation diet,which don’t allowed to take her a more tan 5 days.Exactly,this diet is good for all body  but its not recommend to use longer than 5 days because can hurt the system.After this diet its recommend health and balanced food,but don’t returnon old habbits which can put up the kilograms.Instead of that,if you want to taste  you must be adorer of olive,especially the green olive.Here is how you take a diet

Breakfast and dinner:mixed salad

– 40gr.Brocolli
– salad
– 2 fresh cucumber
– olives
– 1 green peppers
– 1 tomatoe
– Indian walnuts
– sweet-basil
– wine vinegear
– olive oil.
Salt is necessary,because the olives are salted enough,but if you want more salt take it sea-salt.For lunch and dinner,eat green and black cut ting olive,but remember that black olive have more calories than green and for better affect we recommend green olive.
Among the meals drink a lot of water but not sparkling.In one day you don’t use more then 3 spoon of olive oil,also daily you can eat 50gr kerner fruitage-nuts,walnuts,hazelnuts,Indian walnut all this in the morning.

For lunch-grains with whole seed:brown rice,oats,barely,Chinese sugar beet,can eat even when you will became satisfied.All this you bolied.Fish is given but just a little(150gr)prepared with onion and olive oil.Also its allowed milkproduct as a yoghurt,milk with less oils.but all this is terminable.don’t use other oils only olive oil.

At the end of diet,you will see that your skin are made elastic.This happen because all oils which contain in olives,make normal methabolism and regulate building of lipids of skin.If you have some other health problems or some waver,cosultingyour doctor or nutricionist.

Syrup Which Melt Fatty About 1 Centimetres


This medicinewill help to eliminate the grease and more of water in a human body,instead of that will make faster your brain,make better your memory,hearing,and  eyesight.
Main ingredients is fresh radish,reach with vitamin C,calium,Vitamin B1,B6,iron,calcium,B2,magnesium and phosphor.
The radish is cleaning the body,make faster metabolism,remove tiredness also actuate thegrowth of usefull bacteries in a stomach.

For medicine are need only 3 ingredients:

-125 gr.radish
-3 lemons
-3 spoon of honey


Mix the radish in a  juicer,squeeze the lemon,then put in a juice in a juicer and mixed all that for a 2-3minutes.
Add 3 spoon of honey,mixed again and put in a jar.Take it twice a day only one small spoon,before meal.Consuming 3 weeks,after makepause some days.

Amazing Results Without Starving! – Turbo Healthy Diet!


How to Lose 15 Pounds in 10 days ?!

Slim healthy without any starving.  And yes, it is possible. Want to know how?
Apply this healthy diet and achieve stunning results.
Yogurt is normalizing the work of digestion system at human’s body; it strengthens the immunity; it helps at detoxification processes; it improves and activates the metabolism.


There are following the ingredients of this wonder diet:
– 17 oz of yogurt daily
– 10 oz of fruit (excluding grapes, watermelon, banana and the rest fruit which contains high level of glucose)
– 10 oz of vegetable daily
– 3 cups of green tea (without sugar)
– 5 to 7 oz cooked meat (chicken, turkey, beef) or fish

It is up to you how you will combine these ingredients and only you decide when you will have a meal during a day. Except weight loss effects this diet is very healthy so there is no danger of health damage which could be caused by some other diet treatments.

Be and stay healthy with this amazing diet!


How to Lose Weight Fast – Detox Diet!

The toxins come in our bodies through the food, air, medicines and cosmetic products, so it would be a great idea to make detox diet once a month to protect yourself. If you do not help to your body on time, you can feel mood changes, lack of energy, allergies,  insomnia, muscle pain, weight problems.

Detox foods

Fruits: Pears, strawberries, lemon, kiwi, grapes, apples.
Vegetables: Nettle,onion, lettuce, celery, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, beets.

Detox diet

You have to drink a tablespoon of flax seeds soaked in a cup of water. Try to avoid sweetened fruit teas and coffee during the diet.

Day 1

Morning: Drink a cup (2 dl) warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
The rest of the day: Eat grapes (only seasonal fruit) when you are hungry.You are allowed to eat 1 pound of grapes.
Drink a lot of fluids (at least 8 cups of water – 2 dl.) such a  water, herbal teas (peppermint, chamomile, ginger ) and fresh squeezed carrot and apple juice.

Day 2

Morning: Drink a cup (2 dl) of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
The rest of the day: Drink a lot of herbal teas and water, vegetable juices diluted with water (1:1 scale).The minimum amount of liquid is 8 cups(2dl)

Day 3

Breakfast: Raw vegetables (beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce, nettles, onions, leeks, sea algae ).Drink a lot of herbal teas and water.If you find it hard to eat raw fruit, make mixed fruit juices.
Lunch: vegetable salad ( beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce, nettles, onions, leeks, sea algae ), raw or briefly cooked. Drink a lot of water and herbal teas.
Dinner: vegetable soup. Drink a lot of water and herbal teas and vegetable soup.

Unbelievably Recipe For Fighting Cancer And Weigh Loss


It has been proven that this natural remedy will treat cancer, hormonal problems, bad blood counts and weak immunity.

Ingredients needed:

  • 400 grams / 14 oz of wheat germ
  • 400 grams / 14 oz of walnuts
  • 15 lemons
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 1 kg / 35 oz of honey

Method of preparation:

Put the wheat germ in a clean glass jar. Fill the glass with water and let it stand still for the next 12 hours. Cover the jar’s opening with gauze. Strain the mixture and wash the grains wheat germ well. After a day, sprouts (1 or 2 mm in height) should appear.
Put the wheat germs, garlic and walnuts in a blender and mix them well. Add 5 ground lemons (together with their peel) into the mixture. Squeeze the juice of the remaining 10 lemons and add it to the mixture as well. Finally, add the honey into the mixture. Transfer the mixture into glass jar(s) and keep them in the fridge. Before using this medicine, make sure it has been standing still for 3 days.

This medicine will heal your organism from diseases and health conditions.

  • It cleanses the kidneys and improves their work
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Protects from infarct
  • It is great for recovery after surgery
  • The best natural tool for treating cancer
  • Improves heart’s work and cleanses the blood vessels
  • Cleanses the liver from toxins
  • Cleanses the digestive system from pathogenic micro-flora
  • Slows down atherosclerosis’ development

Way of consuming:

Consume 1 tablespoon of this remedy half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In case you are trying to treat some serious diseases, such as cancer, consume 1 tablespoon of the remedy on every two hours.


The Best Antibacterial, Antiviral, Immune-boosting and Weight-Loss Drink


Most of the people are finding themselves enjoying this raw lemonade. This is the simplest and healthiest way to wean kids off soda and the most powerful beverage for adults who prefer non-alcoholic drinks.
As we mentioned above, we introduce raw lemonade to people who want to remove soda from their diets. It is especially effective for kids because they still receiving the sweet taste they want and most of all, it supports their health.
This is a win win combination for children and parents.

Lemon Boast Antibacterial, Immune Boosting, Antiviral and Weight Loss Benefits

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, limonene, pectin, bioflavonoids, magnesium, calcium and citric acid that have beneficial effect to the overall health. These minerals and vitamins are also known as natural immunity boosters and eliminate infections.
Lemons are one of the best allies in the weight loss process because they cleanse the liver and accelerate the digestion.

Raw Homemade Lemonade

  • 1 handful ice
  • 2 peeled lemons
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 2 Tbsp of organic honey
  • 2 cups of cold filtered water


  • Put all the ingredients (except the ice) in a blender and mix well until you get homogenous mass.

  • Put the ice and mix the mixture again
Enjoy the drink and feel the difference in your body! Cheers!


Considerably the Best Drink for Weight Loss

Reduce your stomach in just one week thanks to this phenomenal natural beverage.

  • 2 liters of cranberry juice (cranberry juice, dilute it with water)
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed walnuts
  • 7 ounces of fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 5 ounces of fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • You can add stevia to taste
Heat the cranberry juice over low heat and add the spices. Cook on low temperature for fifteen minutes. Then leave the juice to cool to room temperature.
Add the lemon and orange juice and stevia to taste. Put it in the refrigerator.
Consume this drink twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before bedtime.
The recommended dose is 7 ounces.
Consume the drink for at least 10 days, and already the second day you will feel changes.
This drink is great because it contains cranberry, which is a powerful antioxidant and spices that reduce hunger and promote the metabolism. Lemon and orange are real bombs against fat.

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Drink for Fast Slimming


If you need to reduce some weight,this  is perfect answer…
People which want to lose some weight,but they can return later,but it can be ideal drink which take off 3 kilograms about 3 days.


-half a cluster of parsely
-a glass of water


Cut parsely(in a shutter),filtered the juice of lemon and water it.


Juice sould be drink in the morning on empty stomach,just 5 days,after make a pause of 10days.This juice help in a flaming of calories,feeding our body with vitamin and minerals.Instead of that the parsely is make better digestion and allowed fast absolved from deposit fluidin a system.For 5 days you can slim up to 3 kilograms.
