jeudi 16 avril 2015



The popular doctor Oz created effective beverage for weight loss. This trusted American doctor proved the detoxification benefits of green tea on several occasions, so it is not a surprise that he chose green tea as a weight loss drink. Mixed with orange and mint, the green tea boosts metabolism, detoxifies the body and it is ideal for those trying to lose weight.
Doctor Oz often highlights that only one cup of green tea per day provides excellent benefits – it boosts metabolism for 12%, controls the blood sugar levels, decreases the risk of heart attack and cancer, strengthens the immune system and lifts your mood up.

  • 1 l of water
  • 5 green tea bags
  • 1 orange
  • Fresh mint
Add 5 bags of green tea in boiling water for 5 minutes and then wait for the water cool, cut the orange in slices. Put the tea together with the orange slices and the mint in a big jar. Then, close the jar and leave it overnight so that the ingredients have enough time to mix. Drink the whole tea the very next day, preferably one cup in the morning before breakfast, and the remaining amount before sleep in the evening. Doctor Oz promises you that you will lose weight in this way.

After You See This Video You Will Never Eat Hot Dogs Again!

What do sausages actually contain and what happens during their production? Once you see this video, I doubt you will ever want to buy hot dogs or you will want to give them to your children for dinner.
This is a video from the show How It’s Made on the Discovery Channel, and it shows how the dregs of pork, beef and chicken are being ground together, reduced to a pulp and then re-formed into a hot dog. As it is explained in the show, the hot dogs are made from the remains of the meat, after the useful pieces are cut.

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samedi 4 avril 2015

The Soups That Magically Make You Lose weight faster

Want to know how Kelly Osbourne lost almost 70 pounds and kept it off? No starving, just healthy eating. Three words: Pass the spoon and enjoy these guilt-free soups!
Though nutrition experts will tell you that the renowned cabbage soup diet is not a long-term weight loss solution, this nutrient-packed delicious soup can help you slim down in the short run.

Because it features healthy cabbage, it may, indeed, be a soup you want to include in your regular diet nonetheless.
Cabbage has been a dietary staple in many parts of the world for centuries. You can taste its benefits and also feel them the next time you try on those skinny jeans after you have experienced this diet.

Cabbage diet

However, after seeing the results, you might be more interested in maintaining your fitness program and making a commitment to eat healthier for the long haul.The cabbage soup diet may be strict, but since it is only to be followed for seven days, it only requires a week’s worth of discipline.
Cabbage soup dieters begin their week eating only the cabbage soup and any fruits they like except for bananas. The second day trades fruit for vegetables. Dieters, again, eat their cabbage soup but may include a baked potato for dinner.

Varities in abundance

The next two days again follow the fruit/vegetable regimen as well as the soup but that potato is off the menu. The fourth day allows dieters to eat as many as eight bananas and to drink skim milk. Again, be sure to eat that soup!
Day five encourages dieters to drink an abundance of water, but they can then include beef and veggies on the menu. Skinless chicken or fish can be substituted. Don’t forget at least one bowl of soup.
Day six allows a diet of beef and vegetables as well. Be sure to include one serving of soup and some green leafy vegetables. The last day of the diet calls for soup, unsweetened fruit juice, brown rice and veggies. On day eight – just see how you feel! You may not want to reach for that cake!

Cabbage soup recipe

You’ll be eating a whole lot of cabbage soup so be sure to keep these ingredients (items listed for one batch of soup) on hand!
You will need a half head of cabbage, 6 green onions, 2 green bell peppers, 1 can of diced tomatoes (2 cans if you love tomatoes), 3 medium carrots, 10 oz of mushrooms, 1 bunch celery, 1 cube of bullion (low-sodium), seasoning mix (low sodium), low-sodium V8 (148 oz can) and seasonings to taste (pepper, garlic, basil, etc.) Do not add any salt, however.
Once you get the hang of making this soup, which isn’t difficult as you slice your veggies and toss the items in to simmer, you’ll love how it makes you feel and satisfies your hunger.

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vendredi 3 avril 2015

Do You Want a Flat Stomach, Thick Hair and Beautiful Nails? It’s Time to Meet This Miraculous Oil

His Highness – coconut oil. It is one of the best healing foods, which consists of 90 percent saturated fatty acids, certain derivatives of fatty acids, fatty alcohols, polyphenols, which are responsible for the characteristic odor and taste, vitamins (E, K) and minerals.
Do You Want a Flat Stomach, Thick Hair and Beautiful Nails Its Time to Meet This Miraculous Oil

It resists high temperatures (up to 180 degrees), so you can use it in preparation of various dishes and pastries. And if you have not tried the famous “bulletproof” coffee, we suggest you to do this.
Boosts immunity
Lauric acid is a great ally in the fight against the virus, bacteria and fungi. Helps build and strengthen the immune system, but according to one study it destroys cancer cells.
Improves digestion
Coconut oil may be especially helpful to people with digestive problems. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water, and then eat a teaspoon of coconut oil. Your stomach will be good, and you’ll quickly notice the results. Also, coconut oil very successfully helps expel Candida and parasites from the body.
Aiding weight loss

Coconut oil helps fat loss, especially when it comes to the stomach region.
Reduces appetite
One of the great magic tricks of coconut oil is that it reduces appetite. Also, the fatty acids from coconut oil accelerate the metabolism and regulate blood sugar.
Enriches the taste
Coconut oil withstands high temperatures, so you can use it while preparing, as an ingredient in the frosting for cakes, salad dressing or desserts.

Top 3 Cheapest and Most Effective Techniques to Remove Facial Hair Naturally

 There are many natural ways to remove facial hair. You will evade the spending on conventional hair removal remedies that could cause irritation or other side effects, which will make the hair to become weaker and will also grow harder and faster.

Top 3 Cheapest and Most Effective Techniques to Remove Facial Hair Naturally

You can remove facial hair naturally and very efficiently by using sugar, lemon or thread of silk or cotton, which will weaken the hair step by step with the help of turmeric.

Sugar and lemon wax

This method was used in ancient times by the Egyptian and Eastern civilizations. Its approximate with the wax method, but it is more economical, less painful and natural.
In some countries you can buy sell prepared sugar paste, but very easily you can make it at home.

All you need is:

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • The juice of one lemon
  • A little water if lemon juice is not enough


Apply the juice of a lemon and two cups of sugar in saucepan, until the juice completely covers the sugar. If the lemon juice is not enough add a little water until covered. Heat the compound over medium/high heat and use a wooden spoon to stir the compound until the sugar is kindled completely. The mixture should reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit on the cooking thermometer.
Top 3 Cheapest and Most Effective Techniques to Remove Facial Hair Naturally1
When it will start to boil, decrease the fire and you should wait until it forms a densely, sticky paste, but flexible with soft golden color, like honey. You probably burned it if it appears darker, and you will need to do it again. Never cook it on a high heat over a minute.
Remove it from the heat and let it to cool down.
Use this wax in the same way as the conventional wax. Apply the wax, forming a thin layer and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth, without waiting.
In order to prevent the sugar wax sticking to your skin, splatter a little bit talcum powder. Keep in mind that the area is clean and dry before hair removal.
In order to decrease the effects on the skin, apply a little bit of moisturizing cream or aloe vera gel. Wash the area with warm water if you have some wax parts remained.

Silk or cotton thread technique

Using a thread is natural and probably the most economical method to dispose of the facial hair. Used in ancient Egypt and India, this technique is still used in present day by the women.
For implementing this method you will need some skills. Find some professional who can explain the procedure well and you will be able to implement this technique very quickly and painlessly.
Use a silk or cotton thread, which will act as a tie holding the follicles from the hair root with a non-aggressive way for the skin. In order to realize this procedure, cut off one long piece of thread and form a circle bound by its ends, and follow the instructions from this video.
The greatest advantage of this method is that the hair will rise after six weeks and will be weaken gradually, which is not the case with the conventional waxing. You can use it on your face too.
Turmeric mask
Top 3 Cheapest and Most Effective Techniques to Remove Facial Hair Naturally2

The turmeric facial mask has great properties which will help you to weak the hair step by step, which is ideal for after waxing. This mask is great addition for this treatment.
All you need to do is to mix turmeric powder with water and gain a creamy paste, that doesn’t slobber. Put the mask on your face and let it to work for 20 minutes.

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Between the most beautiful women in the world are Japanese women, and every Japanese woman I have ever seen is flawless with near perfect skin. But there is an ancient secret that has been keeping Japanese women beautiful through the time.


Everyday we all see a lot of anti-aging creams that are on the market, but the truth is none of them work. Therefore everything that you put on your skin is directly absorbed into the blood stream. Nothing well happens, when you put chemical filled creams onto your skin, but when you apply healthy natural ingredients onto your skin, you will feel the benefits.

If you want to have an almost perfect porcelain finish you will need Rice water, which also whiten the skin. It can help to reduce the size of pores and firm up your skin. It is rich with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 2-3 Tbsp Raw Rice
  • 1 Tbsp Warm milk
Place the raw rice into cold water, gradually heat it up until the rice becomes soft. Strain and put the rice into a different bowl. Then rinse the rice and pour 1 tablespoon of warm milk, mix until it is well combined and after that put 1 tablespoon of honey. Put a generous amount onto your clean skin, and carefully remove the mask in 30 minutes, and at the end rinse with the rice water.



You can agree with us that drinking water from plastic bottles is more a habit than necessity. Did you know that by drinking water from a plastic bottle frequently, you can harm your health? The trick is in the chemical composition of the plastic. The bottom of each bottle has a triangle with a number in the middle. By checking this number you can see how dangerous the plastic is.
LDPE – These plastics cannot be used for making plastic bags or bottles, but they not emit chemicals into the water.
PET or PETE – These marks on the bottles tells us that those bottles are for single usage because they emit chemicals that affect hormone balance and heavy metals.

PP – another “good” plastic with white or transparent color, used as packaging for yogurt or syrups cups.

PS – emits carcinogenic substance, and is commonly used for making coffee cups and packaging fast food.
PVC or 3V – Bottles with these two markings releases toxic chemicals that affect the body’s hormones.
HDPE or HDP is plastic that emits at chemicals. Water packed in bottles with these markings is most recommended and clearest.

PC or plastic with no markings is the worst plastic in food production that returns the secreted chemical. These bottles are often used for food storage bowls and sports bottles.

When you Eat too Much – Try this Homemade Mixture That Burns Up to 50% Of the Calories

Try this Homemade Mixture That Burns Up to 50 percent Of the Calories

To prepare this elixir you’ll only need two ingredients! And they’re easy to get.
You’ll need a big, ripe grapefruit and a tablespoon of honey.This mixture has numerous benefits!
Grapefruit is known as an antioxidant and for its strong antibacterial activity. It’s rich in vitamin C, contains vitamins A, B, D, E and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron.
Cut the preferably cold grapefruit in half. Remove the pulp with a spoon. Put the pulp and the honey in a blender and mix them together until the mixture is smooth. And that’s it!
This miraculous elixir contains these useful elements:
  1. Pectin contributes to efficient excretion of excess bad cholesterol (if we consumed fresh grapefruit every day, the bad cholesterol would decrease by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by as much as 27 percent, according to numerous studies), lowers insulin levels and normalizes the metabolism.

  2. Lycopene helps fight the toxins and harmful substances in the body.
A few sips of this elixir after lunch (wait twenty minutes after eating), is able to burn almost half the calories obtained during the meal.
It has beneficial effects on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Grapefruit also contains a number of ingredients that help fight colds, and has been proven to prevent occurrence of certain types of cancers and heart diseases.
However, keep in mind that grapefruit can increase the effect of some medications, so if you are taking regular therapy, consult an expert.


It was discovered that this natural home remedy will treat weak immunity, hormonal problems, cancer and bad blood counts.

Ingredients needed:
  • 1 kg / 35 oz of honey
  • 15 lemons
  • 400 grams / 14 oz of walnuts
  • 400 grams / 14 oz of wheat germ
  • 12 cloves of garlic

Method of preparation:
Place the wheat germ in a pure glass container. Fill the glass with water and leave it for twelve hours. Cover the container’s opening with gauze. Strain the combination and wash well the grains wheat germ. Sprouts will appear after one day (1 or 2 mm in height).

Add the walnuts, wheat germs and garlic in a blender and stir them well. Then put five ground lemons (together with their peel) into the combination. Squeeze the juice of the remaining ten lemons and also put in to the mixture. At the end, insert the honey into the mixture. Transfer the combination into glass container(s) and keep them in the fridge. Before you use this kind of medicine, make sure that it was standing still for three days.