vendredi 3 avril 2015

When you Eat too Much – Try this Homemade Mixture That Burns Up to 50% Of the Calories

Try this Homemade Mixture That Burns Up to 50 percent Of the Calories

To prepare this elixir you’ll only need two ingredients! And they’re easy to get.
You’ll need a big, ripe grapefruit and a tablespoon of honey.This mixture has numerous benefits!
Grapefruit is known as an antioxidant and for its strong antibacterial activity. It’s rich in vitamin C, contains vitamins A, B, D, E and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron.
Cut the preferably cold grapefruit in half. Remove the pulp with a spoon. Put the pulp and the honey in a blender and mix them together until the mixture is smooth. And that’s it!
This miraculous elixir contains these useful elements:
  1. Pectin contributes to efficient excretion of excess bad cholesterol (if we consumed fresh grapefruit every day, the bad cholesterol would decrease by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by as much as 27 percent, according to numerous studies), lowers insulin levels and normalizes the metabolism.

  2. Lycopene helps fight the toxins and harmful substances in the body.
A few sips of this elixir after lunch (wait twenty minutes after eating), is able to burn almost half the calories obtained during the meal.
It has beneficial effects on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Grapefruit also contains a number of ingredients that help fight colds, and has been proven to prevent occurrence of certain types of cancers and heart diseases.
However, keep in mind that grapefruit can increase the effect of some medications, so if you are taking regular therapy, consult an expert.

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