samedi 23 mai 2015

How to Lose Weight Fast – Detox Diet!

The toxins come in our bodies through the food, air, medicines and cosmetic products, so it would be a great idea to make detox diet once a month to protect yourself. If you do not help to your body on time, you can feel mood changes, lack of energy, allergies,  insomnia, muscle pain, weight problems.

Detox foods

Fruits: Pears, strawberries, lemon, kiwi, grapes, apples.
Vegetables: Nettle,onion, lettuce, celery, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, beets.

Detox diet

You have to drink a tablespoon of flax seeds soaked in a cup of water. Try to avoid sweetened fruit teas and coffee during the diet.

Day 1

Morning: Drink a cup (2 dl) warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
The rest of the day: Eat grapes (only seasonal fruit) when you are hungry.You are allowed to eat 1 pound of grapes.
Drink a lot of fluids (at least 8 cups of water – 2 dl.) such a  water, herbal teas (peppermint, chamomile, ginger ) and fresh squeezed carrot and apple juice.

Day 2

Morning: Drink a cup (2 dl) of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
The rest of the day: Drink a lot of herbal teas and water, vegetable juices diluted with water (1:1 scale).The minimum amount of liquid is 8 cups(2dl)

Day 3

Breakfast: Raw vegetables (beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce, nettles, onions, leeks, sea algae ).Drink a lot of herbal teas and water.If you find it hard to eat raw fruit, make mixed fruit juices.
Lunch: vegetable salad ( beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce, nettles, onions, leeks, sea algae ), raw or briefly cooked. Drink a lot of water and herbal teas.
Dinner: vegetable soup. Drink a lot of water and herbal teas and vegetable soup.

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