mardi 17 mars 2015

Pineapple – King Of All Fruits As A Support In Weight Loss

- Miracle ingredient ” Bromelain “

Many consider pineapples as king of fruits, here’s why:
In one pineapple, or about 80-100 grams contained about 70 percent of your daily needs for vitamin C and 40 percent of your daily needs for manganese.
After eating pineapple, the familiar irritation in the stomach disappears and also the desire for other food, just two to three pineapples fill up the blunt hunger. Perhaps a bit because it contains significant amounts of carbohydrates.
Ingredient or enzyme which is found in pineapples called “Bromelain” has the ability to break down proteins and therefore recommends pineapple after main meal. Bromelain stimulates digestion and helps other enzymes that actively participate in the process of digestion, such as pepsin and trypsin and therefore, the pineapple is great in the process of weight loss.

The help of the pineapple enzyme “Bromelain” is huge even among those who are actively engaged in sports. Besides helping to shape the muscles, relieves pain and inflammation of muscles.
Bromelain relieves pain caused by arthritis, and his help was invaluable in alleviating the symptoms of chronic bronchitis.
When cold, the enzyme “Bromelain” has the power to dilute secretions in the airways and reduces swelling inflammation of the sinuses and throat.
It is very important to know that over 60 degrees, the enzyme “Bromelain” disappears, so pineapples, and other fruits should be eaten fresh, not canned, because it could be heated in the process of preservation.

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